
828 lines
26 KiB

package prefixdb
import (
const VERSION = 0x00010000
type fame struct {
fame int
value interface{}
type byfame []*fame
func (a byfame) Len() int { return len(a) }
func (a byfame) Swap(i, j int) { a[i], a[j] = a[j], a[i] }
func (a byfame) Less(i, j int) bool { return a[i].fame > a[j].fame }
type node struct {
down [2]*node
up *node
data []uint64
offset int
explored [4]bool
emitted bool
id int
type cluster struct {
values [3]int // fame / initial index / final index
pairs []uint64 // cluster pairs
data []byte // reduced cluster pairs
type PrefixDB struct {
tree node
strings map[string]*[3]int // fame / initial index / final index
numbers map[float64]*[3]int // fame / initial index / final index
pairs map[uint64]*[3]int // fame / initial index / final index
clusters map[[16]byte]*cluster
data []byte
Total int
Version uint32
Description string
Strings [4]int // size / count / offset / strings index width (bytes)
Numbers [3]int // size / count / offset
Pairs [3]int // size / count / offset
Clusters [4]int // size / count / offset / clusters index width (bytes)
Maps [3]int // size / count / offset
Nodes [4]int // size / count / offset / nodes width (bits)
var cores int
func New() *PrefixDB {
if cores == 0 {
cores = runtime.NumCPU()
return &PrefixDB{strings: map[string]*[3]int{}, numbers: map[float64]*[3]int{}, pairs: map[uint64]*[3]int{}, clusters: map[[16]byte]*cluster{}}
func (this *PrefixDB) Add(prefix net.IPNet, data map[string]interface{}, clusters [][]string) {
prefix.IP = prefix.IP.To16()
ones, bits := prefix.Mask.Size()
if bits == 32 {
ones += 96
prefix.Mask = net.CIDRMask(ones, bits+96)
if cores > 1 {
pnode := &this.tree
for bit := 0; bit < ones; bit++ {
down := 0
if (prefix.IP[bit/8] & (1 << (7 - (byte(bit) % 8)))) != 0 {
down = 1
if pnode.down[down] == nil {
pnode.down[down] = &node{}
pnode.down[down].up = pnode
if len( != 0 { = []uint64{}
pnode = pnode.down[down]
skeys, ckeys, lkeys := "", [][]string{}, []string{}
for _, cluster := range clusters {
skeys += strings.Join(cluster, ` `) + ` `
ckeys = append(ckeys, cluster)
for key, _ := range data {
if strings.Index(skeys, key) < 0 {
lkeys = append(lkeys, key)
ckeys = append(ckeys, lkeys)
for cindex, keys := range ckeys {
cpairs := []uint64{}
for _, key := range keys {
if len(key) > 255 {
if value, ok := data[key]; ok {
index := 0
if _, ok := this.strings[key]; !ok {
index = len(this.strings)
this.strings[key] = &[3]int{1, index}
} else {
index = this.strings[key][1]
pair := uint64((uint32(index)&0x0fffffff)|0x10000000) << 32
if tvalue, ok := value.(string); ok {
if len(tvalue) <= 255 {
index = 0
if _, ok := this.strings[tvalue]; !ok {
index = len(this.strings)
this.strings[tvalue] = &[3]int{1, index}
} else {
index = this.strings[tvalue][1]
pair |= uint64((uint32(index) & 0x0fffffff) | 0x10000000)
} else {
pair |= uint64(0x50000000)
} else if tvalue, ok := value.(float64); ok {
index = 0
if _, ok := this.numbers[tvalue]; !ok {
index = len(this.numbers)
this.numbers[tvalue] = &[3]int{1, index}
} else {
index = this.numbers[tvalue][1]
pair |= uint64((uint32(index) & 0x0fffffff) | 0x20000000)
} else if tvalue, ok := value.(bool); ok {
if tvalue {
pair |= uint64(0x30000000)
} else {
pair |= uint64(0x40000000)
} else {
pair |= uint64(0x50000000)
if _, ok := this.pairs[pair]; !ok {
index = len(this.pairs)
this.pairs[pair] = &[3]int{1, index}
} else {
if cindex < len(ckeys)-1 {
cpairs = append(cpairs, pair)
} else { = append(, pair)
if len(cpairs) != 0 {
buffer := make([]byte, len(cpairs)*8)
for index, value := range cpairs {
binary.BigEndian.PutUint64(buffer[index*8:], value)
key := md5.Sum(buffer)
index := 0
if _, ok := this.clusters[key]; !ok {
index = len(this.clusters)
this.clusters[key] = &cluster{pairs: cpairs, values: [3]int{1, index}}
} else {
index = this.clusters[key].values[1]
} = append(, 0x7000000000000000|((uint64(index)<<32)&0x0fffffff00000000))
if cores > 1 {
func wbytes(bytes, value int, data []byte) {
if len(data) >= bytes {
for index := bytes - 1; index >= 0; index-- {
data[bytes-index-1] = byte(value >> (uint(index * 8)))
func wpbits(prefix byte, value int) []byte {
if value <= 7 {
return []byte{prefix | (byte(value) & 0x07)}
bytes := int(math.Ceil(math.Ceil(math.Log2(float64(value+1))) / 8))
data := []byte{prefix | 0x08 | byte(bytes)}
for nibble := bytes - 1; nibble >= 0; nibble-- {
data = append(data, byte(value>>(uint(nibble*8))))
return data
func wnbits(bits, value0, value1 int, data []byte) {
if bits >= 8 && bits <= 32 && bits%4 == 0 && len(data) >= bits/4 {
switch bits {
case 8:
data[0], data[1] = byte(value0), byte(value1)
case 12:
data[0], data[1], data[2] = byte(value0>>4), byte(value0<<4)|(byte(value1>>8)&0x0f), byte(value1)
case 16:
binary.BigEndian.PutUint16(data[0:], uint16(value0))
binary.BigEndian.PutUint16(data[2:], uint16(value1))
case 20:
data[0], data[1] = byte(value0>>12), byte(value0>>4)
data[2] = byte(value0<<4) | (byte(value1>>16) & 0x0f)
data[3], data[4] = byte(value1>>8), byte(value1)
case 24:
data[0], data[1], data[2] = byte(value0>>16), byte(value0>>8), byte(value0)
data[3], data[4], data[5] = byte(value1>>16), byte(value1>>8), byte(value1)
case 28:
data[0], data[1], data[2] = byte(value0>>20), byte(value0>>12), byte(value0>>4)
data[3] = byte(value0<<4) | (byte(value1>>24) & 0x0f)
data[4], data[5], data[6] = byte(value1>>16), byte(value1>>8), byte(value1)
case 32:
binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(data[0:], uint32(value0))
binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(data[4:], uint32(value1))
func (this *PrefixDB) Save(path, description string) (content []byte, err error) {
// layout header + signature placeholder + description
if cores > 1 {
} = []byte{'P', 'F', 'D', 'B', 0, (VERSION >> 16) & 0xff, (VERSION >> 8) & 0xff, (VERSION & 0xff),
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'D', 'E', 'S', 'C', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
if description == "" {
description = time.Now().Format(`20060102150405`)
this.Description = description
copy([28:47], []byte(description))
// layout strings dictionary (ordered by fame)
this.Strings[0] = 0
for key, _ := range this.strings {
this.Strings[0] += len(key)
this.Strings[3] = int(math.Ceil(math.Ceil(math.Log2(float64(this.Strings[0]+1))) / 8)) = append(, []byte{'S', 'T', 'R', 'S', byte(this.Strings[3]), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}...)
this.Strings[2] = len(
this.Strings[1] = len(this.strings)
this.Strings[0] += this.Strings[1] * this.Strings[3]
flist := make([]*fame, this.Strings[1])
for key, values := range this.strings {
flist[values[1]] = &fame{values[0], key}
sort.Sort(byfame(flist)) = append(, make([]byte, this.Strings[1]*this.Strings[3])...)
offset := 0
for index, item := range flist {
this.strings[item.value.(string)][2] = index = append(, []byte(item.value.(string))...)
wbytes(this.Strings[3], offset,[this.Strings[2]+(index*this.Strings[3]):])
offset += len(item.value.(string))
binary.BigEndian.PutUint32([this.Strings[2]-8:], uint32(this.Strings[0]))
binary.BigEndian.PutUint32([this.Strings[2]-4:], uint32(this.Strings[1]))
strings := make([]*fame, this.Strings[1])
for key, values := range this.strings {
strings[values[1]] = &fame{values[0], key}
// layout numbers dictionary (ordered by fame) = append(, []byte{'N', 'U', 'M', 'S', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}...)
this.Numbers[2] = len(
this.Numbers[1] = len(this.numbers)
this.Numbers[0] = this.Numbers[1] * 8
flist = make([]*fame, this.Numbers[1])
for key, values := range this.numbers {
flist[values[1]] = &fame{values[0], key}
sort.Sort(byfame(flist)) = append(, make([]byte, this.Numbers[1]*8)...)
for index, item := range flist {
this.numbers[item.value.(float64)][2] = index
binary.BigEndian.PutUint64([this.Numbers[2]+(index*8):], math.Float64bits(item.value.(float64)))
binary.BigEndian.PutUint32([this.Numbers[2]-8:], uint32(this.Numbers[0]))
binary.BigEndian.PutUint32([this.Numbers[2]-4:], uint32(this.Numbers[1]))
numbers := make([]*fame, this.Numbers[1])
for key, values := range this.numbers {
numbers[values[1]] = &fame{values[0], key}
// layout pairs dictionary (ordered by fame) = append(, []byte{'P', 'A', 'I', 'R', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}...)
this.Pairs[2] = len(
flist = make([]*fame, len(this.pairs))
for key, values := range this.pairs {
flist[values[1]] = &fame{values[0], key}
for index, item := range flist {
if item.fame > 1 {
this.pairs[item.value.(uint64)][2] = index
} else {
delete(this.pairs, item.value.(uint64))
this.Pairs[1] = len(this.pairs)
this.Pairs[0] = this.Pairs[1] * 8 = append(, make([]byte, this.Pairs[0])...)
for index, item := range flist {
if item.fame <= 1 {
pair := 0x1000000000000000 | (uint64(this.strings[strings[(item.value.(uint64)>>32)&0x0fffffff].value.(string)][2]) << 32)
switch (item.value.(uint64) & 0xf0000000) >> 28 {
case 1:
pair |= 0x10000000 | uint64(this.strings[strings[item.value.(uint64)&0x0fffffff].value.(string)][2])
case 2:
pair |= 0x20000000 | uint64(this.numbers[numbers[item.value.(uint64)&0x0fffffff].value.(float64)][2])
pair |= item.value.(uint64) & 0xf0000000
binary.BigEndian.PutUint64([this.Pairs[2]+(index*8):], pair)
binary.BigEndian.PutUint32([this.Pairs[2]-8:], uint32(this.Pairs[0]))
binary.BigEndian.PutUint32([this.Pairs[2]-4:], uint32(this.Pairs[1]))
// layout clusters dictionary (ordered by fame, and reduced for strings, numbers and pairs)
this.Clusters[0] = 0
for _, cluster := range this.clusters {
for _, pair := range cluster.pairs {
if _, ok := this.pairs[pair]; ok { = append(, wpbits(0x60, this.pairs[pair][2])...)
} else { = append(, wpbits(0x10, this.strings[strings[(pair>>32)&0x0fffffff].value.(string)][2])...)
switch (pair & 0xf0000000) >> 28 {
case 1: = append(, wpbits(0x10, this.strings[strings[pair&0x0fffffff].value.(string)][2])...)
case 2: = append(, wpbits(0x20, this.numbers[numbers[pair&0x0fffffff].value.(float64)][2])...)
default: = append(, byte((pair&0xf0000000)>>24))
this.Clusters[0] += len(
this.Clusters[3] = int(math.Ceil(math.Ceil(math.Log2(float64(this.Clusters[0]+1))) / 8)) = append(, []byte{'C', 'L', 'U', 'S', byte(this.Clusters[3]), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}...)
this.Clusters[2] = len(
this.Clusters[1] = len(this.clusters)
this.Clusters[0] += this.Clusters[1] * this.Clusters[3]
flist = make([]*fame, this.Clusters[1])
for key, cluster := range this.clusters {
flist[cluster.values[1]] = &fame{cluster.values[0], key}
sort.Sort(byfame(flist)) = append(, make([]byte, this.Clusters[1]*this.Clusters[3])...)
offset = 0
for index, item := range flist {
this.clusters[item.value.([16]byte)].values[2] = index = append(, this.clusters[item.value.([16]byte)].data...)
wbytes(this.Clusters[3], offset,[this.Clusters[2]+(index*this.Clusters[3]):])
offset += len(this.clusters[item.value.([16]byte)].data)
binary.BigEndian.PutUint32([this.Clusters[2]-8:], uint32(this.Clusters[0]))
binary.BigEndian.PutUint32([this.Clusters[2]-4:], uint32(this.Clusters[1]))
clusters := make([]*fame, this.Clusters[1])
for key, cluster := range this.clusters {
clusters[cluster.values[1]] = &fame{cluster.values[0], key}
// layout maps dictionary (reduced for strings, numbers, pairs and clusters)
this.Nodes[1] = 1 = append(, []byte{'M', 'A', 'P', 'S', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0x80}...)
pnode := &this.tree
this.Maps[2] = len( - 2
this.Maps[1] = 1
this.Maps[0] = 2
for {
if pnode.down[0] != nil && !pnode.explored[0] {
pnode.explored[0] = true
pnode = pnode.down[0]
} else if pnode.down[1] != nil && !pnode.explored[1] {
pnode.explored[1] = true
pnode = pnode.down[1]
} else if pnode.up != nil {
pnode = pnode.up
if pnode.up == nil {
if pnode.down[0] == nil && pnode.down[1] == nil {
if len( == 0 {
pnode.offset = 1
} else {
data := []byte{}
for index := 0; index < len(; index++ {
last := byte(0x00)
if index == len( {
last = 0x80
if (([index]>>32)&0xf0000000)>>28 == 7 {
data = append(data, wpbits(last|0x70, this.clusters[clusters[([index]>>32)&0x0fffffff].value.([16]byte)].values[2])...)
} else {
if _, ok := this.pairs[[index]]; ok {
data = append(data, wpbits(last|0x60, this.pairs[[index]][2])...)
} else {
data = append(data, wpbits(0x10, this.strings[strings[([index]>>32)&0x0fffffff].value.(string)][2])...)
switch ([index] & 0xf0000000) >> 28 {
case 1:
data = append(data, wpbits(last|0x10, this.strings[strings[[index]&0x0fffffff].value.(string)][2])...)
case 2:
data = append(data, wpbits(last|0x20, this.numbers[numbers[[index]&0x0fffffff].value.(float64)][2])...)
data = append(data, last|byte(([index]&0xf0000000)>>24))
} = append(, data...)
pnode.offset = this.Maps[0]
this.Maps[0] += len(data)
} else if == 0 { = this.Nodes[1]
binary.BigEndian.PutUint32([this.Maps[2]-8:], uint32(this.Maps[0]))
binary.BigEndian.PutUint32([this.Maps[2]-4:], uint32(this.Maps[1]))
// layout nodes tree
this.Nodes[3] = int(math.Ceil(math.Ceil(math.Log2(float64(this.Nodes[1]+this.Maps[0]+1)))/4) * 4) = append(, []byte{'N', 'O', 'D', 'E', byte(this.Nodes[3]), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}...)
this.Nodes[2] = len(
this.Nodes[0] = this.Nodes[1] * ((2 * this.Nodes[3]) / 8) = append(, make([]byte, this.Nodes[0])...)
pnode = &this.tree
next := [2]int{}
for {
if (pnode == &this.tree || != 0) && !pnode.emitted {
pnode.emitted = true
for index := 0; index <= 1; index++ {
next[index] = this.Nodes[1]
if pnode.down[index] != nil {
if pnode.down[index].id != 0 {
next[index] = pnode.down[index].id
} else {
next[index] += pnode.down[index].offset
wnbits(this.Nodes[3], next[0], next[1],[this.Nodes[2]+(*((2*this.Nodes[3])/8)):])
if pnode.down[0] != nil && !pnode.explored[2] {
pnode.explored[2] = true
pnode = pnode.down[0]
} else if pnode.down[1] != nil && !pnode.explored[3] {
pnode.explored[3] = true
pnode = pnode.down[1]
} else if pnode.up != nil {
pnode = pnode.up
if pnode.up == nil {
binary.BigEndian.PutUint32([this.Nodes[2]-8:], uint32(this.Nodes[0]))
binary.BigEndian.PutUint32([this.Nodes[2]-4:], uint32(this.Nodes[1]))
// finalize header
this.tree, this.strings, this.numbers, this.pairs, this.clusters = node{}, map[string]*[3]int{}, map[float64]*[3]int{}, map[uint64]*[3]int{}, map[[16]byte]*cluster{}
hash := md5.Sum([24:])
copy([8:], hash[:])
this.Total = len(
// save database
if path != "" {
if path == "-" {
_, err = os.Stdout.Write(
} else {
err = ioutil.WriteFile(path,, 0644)
if cores > 1 {
return, err
func (this *PrefixDB) Load(path string) error {
if data, err := ioutil.ReadFile(path); err != nil {
return err
} else {
if len(data) < 8 || string(data[0:4]) != "PFDB" {
return errors.New(`invalid preamble`)
if version := (uint32(data[5]) << 16) + (uint32(data[6]) << 8) + uint32(data[7]); (version & 0xff0000) > (VERSION & 0xff0000) {
return errors.New(fmt.Sprintf(`library major version %d is incompatible with database major version %d`, (VERSION&0xff0000)>>16, (version&0xff0000)>>16))
} else {
if len(data) < 24 || fmt.Sprintf("%x", md5.Sum(data[24:])) != fmt.Sprintf("%x", data[8:24]) {
return errors.New(`database checksum is invalid`)
if cores > 1 {
} = data
this.Total = len(data)
this.Version = version
offset := 24
if this.Total >= offset+4 && string(data[offset:offset+4]) == "DESC" {
offset += 4
if this.Total >= offset+20 {
index := 0
if index = bytes.Index(data[offset:offset+20], []byte{0}); index < 0 {
index = 20
this.Description = fmt.Sprintf("%s", data[offset:offset+index])
offset += 20
if this.Total >= offset+4 && string(data[offset:offset+4]) == "STRS" {
offset += 4
if this.Total >= offset+9 {
this.Strings[3] = int(data[offset])
this.Strings[2] = offset + 9
this.Strings[1] = int(binary.BigEndian.Uint32([offset+5:]))
this.Strings[0] = int(binary.BigEndian.Uint32([offset+1:]))
offset += 9 + this.Strings[0]
if this.Total >= offset+4 && string(data[offset:offset+4]) == "NUMS" {
offset += 4
if this.Total >= offset+8 {
this.Numbers[2] = offset + 8
this.Numbers[1] = int(binary.BigEndian.Uint32([offset+4:]))
this.Numbers[0] = int(binary.BigEndian.Uint32([offset:]))
offset += 8 + this.Numbers[0]
if this.Total >= offset+4 && string(data[offset:offset+4]) == "PAIR" {
offset += 4
if this.Total >= offset+8 {
this.Pairs[2] = offset + 8
this.Pairs[1] = int(binary.BigEndian.Uint32([offset+4:]))
this.Pairs[0] = int(binary.BigEndian.Uint32([offset:]))
offset += 8 + this.Pairs[0]
if this.Total >= offset+4 && string(data[offset:offset+4]) == "CLUS" {
offset += 4
this.Clusters[3] = int(data[offset])
this.Clusters[2] = offset + 9
this.Clusters[1] = int(binary.BigEndian.Uint32([offset+5:]))
this.Clusters[0] = int(binary.BigEndian.Uint32([offset+1:]))
offset += 9 + this.Clusters[0]
if this.Total >= offset+4 && string(data[offset:offset+4]) == "MAPS" {
offset += 4
if this.Total >= offset+8 {
this.Maps[2] = offset + 8
this.Maps[1] = int(binary.BigEndian.Uint32([offset+4:]))
this.Maps[0] = int(binary.BigEndian.Uint32([offset:]))
offset += 8 + this.Maps[0]
if this.Total >= offset+9 && string(data[offset:offset+4]) == "NODE" {
offset += 4
this.Nodes[3] = int(data[offset])
this.Nodes[2] = offset + 9
this.Nodes[1] = int(binary.BigEndian.Uint32([offset+5:]))
this.Nodes[0] = int(binary.BigEndian.Uint32([offset+1:]))
if offset+9+this.Nodes[0] != this.Total {
this.Nodes[2] = 0
if cores > 1 {
if this.Strings[2] == 0 || this.Numbers[2] == 0 || this.Pairs[2] == 0 || this.Clusters[2] == 0 || this.Maps[2] == 0 || this.Nodes[2] == 0 {
return errors.New(`database structure is invalid`)
return nil
func rpbits(data []byte) (section, index, size int, last bool) {
section = int((data[0] & 0x70) >> 4)
if data[0]&0x80 != 0 || section == 0 {
last = true
if section == 1 || section == 2 || section == 6 || section == 7 {
if data[0]&0x08 != 0 {
size = int(data[0] & 0x07)
for nibble := 1; nibble <= size; nibble++ {
index |= int(data[nibble]) << (uint(size-nibble) * 8)
} else {
index = int(data[0] & 0x07)
return section, index, size, last
func rnbits(bits, index, down int, data []byte) int {
if bits >= 8 && bits <= 32 && bits%4 == 0 && (down == 0 || down == 1) && len(data) >= (index+1)*(bits/4) {
offset := index * (bits / 4)
switch bits {
case 8:
return int(data[offset+down])
case 12:
if down == 0 {
return (int(data[offset]) << 4) | ((int(data[offset+1]) >> 4) & 0x0f)
} else {
return ((int(data[offset+1]) & 0x0f) << 8) | int(data[offset+2])
case 16:
return int(binary.BigEndian.Uint16(data[offset+(down*2):]))
case 20:
if down == 0 {
return (int(data[offset]) << 12) | (int(data[offset+1]) << 4) | ((int(data[offset+2]) >> 4) & 0x0f)
} else {
return ((int(data[offset+2]) & 0x0f) << 16) | (int(data[offset+3]) << 8) | int(data[offset+4])
case 24:
if down == 0 {
return (int(data[offset]) << 16) | (int(data[offset+1]) << 8) | int(data[offset+2])
} else {
return (int(data[offset+3]) << 16) | (int(data[offset+4]) << 8) | int(data[offset+5])
case 28:
if down == 0 {
return (int(data[offset]) << 20) | (int(data[offset+1]) << 12) | (int(data[offset+2]) << 4) | ((int(data[offset+3]) >> 4) & 0x0f)
} else {
return ((int(data[offset+3]) & 0x0f) << 24) | (int(data[offset+4]) << 16) | (int(data[offset+5]) << 8) | int(data[offset+6])
case 32:
return int(binary.BigEndian.Uint32(data[offset+(down*4):]))
return index
func rbytes(width int, data []byte) (value int) {
for index := 0; index < width; index++ {
value |= int(data[index]) << (uint(width-1-index) * 8)
return value
func (this *PrefixDB) rstring(index int) string {
count, offset, width := this.Strings[1], this.Strings[2], this.Strings[3]
if index >= count {
return ""
start, end := rbytes(width,[offset+(index*width):]), 0
if index < count-1 {
end = rbytes(width,[offset+(index+1)*width:])
} else {
end = this.Strings[0] - (count * width)
return string([offset+(count*width)+start : offset+(count*width)+end])
func (this *PrefixDB) rnumber(index int) float64 {
if index >= this.Numbers[1] {
return 0.0
return math.Float64frombits(binary.BigEndian.Uint64([this.Numbers[2]+(index*8):]))
func (this *PrefixDB) rpair(index int, pairs map[string]interface{}) {
if index < this.Pairs[1] {
pair := binary.BigEndian.Uint64([this.Pairs[2]+(index*8):])
if key := this.rstring(int((pair >> 32) & 0x0fffffff)); key != "" {
switch (pair & 0xf0000000) >> 28 {
case 1:
pairs[key] = this.rstring(int(pair & 0x0fffffff))
case 2:
pairs[key] = this.rnumber(int(pair & 0x0fffffff))
case 3:
pairs[key] = true
case 4:
pairs[key] = false
func (this *PrefixDB) rcluster(index int, pairs map[string]interface{}) {
count, offset, width := this.Clusters[1], this.Clusters[2], this.Clusters[3]
if index < count {
start, end := rbytes(width,[offset+(index*width):]), 0
if index < count-1 {
end = rbytes(width,[offset+(index+1)*width:])
} else {
end = this.Clusters[0] - (count * width)
start += offset + (count * width)
end += offset + (count * width)
key := ""
for start < end {
section, index, size, _ := rpbits([start:])
switch section {
case 1:
if key != "" {
pairs[key] = this.rstring(index)
key = ""
} else {
key = this.rstring(index)
case 2:
if key != "" {
pairs[key] = this.rnumber(index)
key = ""
case 3:
if key != "" {
pairs[key] = true
key = ""
case 4:
if key != "" {
pairs[key] = false
key = ""
case 5:
if key != "" {
pairs[key] = nil
key = ""
case 6:
this.rpair(index, pairs)
start += size
func (this *PrefixDB) Lookup(address net.IP, input map[string]interface{}) (output map[string]interface{}, err error) {
output = input
if == nil || this.Total == 0 || this.Version == 0 || this.Strings[2] == 0 || this.Numbers[2] == 0 ||
this.Pairs[2] == 0 || this.Clusters[2] == 0 || this.Maps[2] == 0 || this.Nodes[2] == 0 || address == nil {
err = errors.New("record not found")
} else {
address = address.To16()
offset := 0
if cores > 1 {
for bit := 0; bit < 128; bit++ {
down := 0
if (address[bit/8] & (1 << (7 - (byte(bit) % 8)))) != 0 {
down = 1
offset = rnbits(this.Nodes[3], offset, down,[this.Nodes[2]:])
if offset == this.Nodes[1] || offset == 0 {
if output == nil {
output = map[string]interface{}{}
if offset > this.Nodes[1] {
offset -= this.Nodes[1]
if offset < this.Maps[0] {
offset += this.Maps[2]
key := ""
for offset < this.Maps[2]+this.Maps[0] {
section, index, size, last := rpbits([offset:])
switch section {
case 1:
if key != "" {
output[key] = this.rstring(index)
key = ""
} else {
key = this.rstring(index)
case 2:
if key != "" {
output[key] = this.rnumber(index)
key = ""
case 3:
if key != "" {
output[key] = true
key = ""
case 4:
if key != "" {
output[key] = false
key = ""
case 5:
if key != "" {
output[key] = nil
key = ""
case 6:
this.rpair(index, output)
case 7:
this.rcluster(index, output)
if last {
offset += size
if cores > 1 {
return output, err