package uconfig import ( "crypto/sha1" "encoding/json" "errors" "fmt" "io/ioutil" "math" "net/http" "os" "os/exec" "path" "path/filepath" "reflect" "regexp" "strconv" "strings" "sync" "time" "" ) type UConfig struct { input string config interface{} hash string cache map[string]interface{} separator string cacheLock sync.RWMutex sync.RWMutex } type replacer struct { search *regexp.Regexp replace string loop bool } var ( escaped string unescaper *regexp.Regexp requoter *regexp.Regexp expander *regexp.Regexp sizer *regexp.Regexp duration1 *regexp.Regexp duration2 *regexp.Regexp replacers [16]replacer ) func init() { escaped = "{}[],#/*;:= " // match characters within quotes to escape unescaper = regexp.MustCompile(`@\d+@`) // match escaped characters (to reverse previous escaping) expander = regexp.MustCompile(`{{([<|@&!\-\+])\s*([^{}]*?)\s*}}`) // match external content macros sizer = regexp.MustCompile(`^(\d+(?:\.\d*)?)\s*([KMGTP]?)(B?)$`) // match size value duration1 = regexp.MustCompile(`(\d+)(Y|MO|D|H|MN|S|MS|US)?`) // match duration value form1 (free) duration2 = regexp.MustCompile(`^(?:(\d+):)?(\d{2}):(\d{2})(?:\.(\d{1,3}))?$`) // match duration value form2 (timecode) replacers[0] = replacer{regexp.MustCompile("(?m)^(.*?)(?:#|//).*?$"), `$1`, false} // remove # and // commented portions replacers[1] = replacer{regexp.MustCompile(`/\*[^\*]*\*/`), ``, true} // remove /* */ commented portions replacers[2] = replacer{regexp.MustCompile(`(?m)^\s+`), ``, false} // trim leading spaces replacers[3] = replacer{regexp.MustCompile(`(?m)\s+$`), ``, false} // trim trailing spaces replacers[4] = replacer{regexp.MustCompile("(?s)(^|[\r\n]+)\\[([^\\]\r\n]+?)\\](.+?)((?:[\r\n]+\\[)|$)"), "$1$2\n{$3\n}$4", true} // convert INI sections into JSON objects replacers[5] = replacer{regexp.MustCompile(`(?m)^(\S+)\s+([^{}\[\],;:=]+);$`), "$1 = $2;", false} // add missing key-value separators replacers[6] = replacer{regexp.MustCompile(`(?m);$`), `,`, false} // replace ; line terminators by , replacers[7] = replacer{regexp.MustCompile(`(\S+?)\s*[:=]`), `$1:`, false} // replace = key-value separators by : replacers[8] = replacer{regexp.MustCompile(`([}\]])(\s*)([^,}\]\s])`), `$1,$2$3`, false} // add missing objects/arrays , separators replacers[9] = replacer{regexp.MustCompile("(?m)(^[^:]+:.+?[^,])$"), `$1,`, false} // add missing values trailing , seperators replacers[10] = replacer{regexp.MustCompile(`(^|[,{\[]+\s*)([^:{\[]+?)(\s*[{\[])`), `$1$2:$3`, true} // add missing key-(object/array-)value separator replacers[11] = replacer{regexp.MustCompile(`(?m)^([^":{}\[\]]+)`), `"$1"`, false} // add missing quotes around keys replacers[12] = replacer{regexp.MustCompile("([:,\\[\\s]+)([^\",\\[\\]{}\n\r]+?)(\\s*[,\\]}])"), `$1"$2"$3`, false} // add missing quotes around values replacers[13] = replacer{regexp.MustCompile("\"[\r\n]"), "\",\n", false} // add still issing objects/arrays , separators replacers[14] = replacer{regexp.MustCompile(`"\s*(.+?)\s*"`), `"$1"`, false} // trim leading and trailing spaces in quoted strings replacers[15] = replacer{regexp.MustCompile(`,+(\s*[}\]])`), `$1`, false} // remove objets/arrays last element extra , } func escape(input string) string { var output []byte instring := false for index := 0; index < len(input); index++ { if input[index:index+1] == `"` && (index == 0 || input[index-1:index] != `\`) { instring = !instring } if instring == true { offset := strings.IndexAny(escaped, input[index:index+1]) if offset >= 0 { output = append(output, []byte(fmt.Sprintf("@%02d@", offset))...) } else { output = append(output, input[index:index+1]...) } } else { output = append(output, input[index:index+1]...) } } return string(output) } func unescape(input string) string { return unescaper.ReplaceAllStringFunc(input, func(a string) string { offset, _ := strconv.Atoi(a[1:3]) if offset < len(escaped) { return escaped[offset : offset+1] } return "" }) } func reduce(input interface{}) { if input != nil { switch reflect.TypeOf(input).Kind() { case reflect.Map: for key, _ := range input.(map[string]interface{}) { var parts []string for _, value := range strings.Split(key, " ") { if value != "" { parts = append(parts, value) } } if len(parts) > 1 { if input.(map[string]interface{})[parts[0]] == nil || reflect.TypeOf(input.(map[string]interface{})[parts[0]]).Kind() != reflect.Map { input.(map[string]interface{})[parts[0]] = make(map[string]interface{}) } input.(map[string]interface{})[parts[0]].(map[string]interface{})[parts[1]] = input.(map[string]interface{})[key] delete(input.(map[string]interface{}), key) } } for _, value := range input.(map[string]interface{}) { reduce(value) } case reflect.Slice: for index := 0; index < len(input.([]interface{})); index++ { reduce(input.([]interface{})[index]) } } } } func New(input string, inline ...bool) (*UConfig, error) { config := &UConfig{ input: input, config: nil, separator: ".", } return config, config.Load(input, inline...) } func (this *UConfig) Reload(inline ...bool) error { return this.Load(this.input, inline...) } func (this *UConfig) SetSeparator(s string) { this.separator = s } func (this *UConfig) Load(input string, inline ...bool) error { this.Lock() base, _ := os.Getwd() content := fmt.Sprintf("/*base:%s*/\n", base) if len(inline) > 0 && inline[0] { content += input } else { content += fmt.Sprintf("{{<%s}}", input) } for { indexes := expander.FindStringSubmatchIndex(content) if indexes == nil { content = escape(content) for index := 0; index < len(replacers); index++ { mcontent := "" for mcontent != content { mcontent = content content = replacers[index].search.ReplaceAllString(content, replacers[index].replace) if !replacers[index].loop { break } } } content = unescape(strings.Trim(content, " \n,")) break } expanded := "" arguments := strings.Split(content[indexes[4]:indexes[5]], " ") if start := strings.LastIndex(content[0:indexes[2]], "/*base:"); start >= 0 { if end := strings.Index(content[start+7:indexes[2]], "*/"); end > 0 { base = content[start+7 : start+7+end] } } switch content[indexes[2]:indexes[3]] { case "<": if arguments[0][0:1] != "/" { arguments[0] = fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", base, arguments[0]) } nbase := "" if elements, err := filepath.Glob(arguments[0]); err == nil { for _, element := range elements { if mcontent, err := ioutil.ReadFile(element); err == nil { nbase = filepath.Dir(element) expanded += string(mcontent) } } } if nbase != "" && strings.Index(expanded, "\n") >= 0 { expanded = fmt.Sprintf("/*base:%s*/\n%s\n/*base:%s*/\n", nbase, expanded, base) } case "|": if arguments[0][0:1] != "/" { arguments[0] = fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", base, arguments[0]) } nbase := "" if elements, err := filepath.Glob(arguments[0]); err == nil { for _, element := range elements { if element[0:1] != "/" { element = fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", base, element) } if mcontent, err := exec.Command(element, strings.Join(arguments[1:], " ")).Output(); err == nil { nbase = filepath.Dir(element) expanded += string(mcontent) } } } if nbase != "" && strings.Index(expanded, "\n") >= 0 { expanded = fmt.Sprintf("/*base:%s*/\n%s\n/*base:%s*/\n", nbase, expanded, base) } case "@": requester := http.Client{ Timeout: time.Duration(5 * time.Second), } if response, err := requester.Get(arguments[0]); err == nil { if (response.StatusCode / 100) == 2 { if mcontent, err := ioutil.ReadAll(response.Body); err == nil { expanded += string(mcontent) } } } case "&": expanded += os.Getenv(arguments[0]) case "!": if matcher := rcache.Get(fmt.Sprintf(`(?i)^--?(no-?)?(?:%s)(?:(=)(.+))?$`, arguments[0])); matcher != nil { for index := 1; index < len(os.Args); index++ { option := os.Args[index] if option == "--" { break } if captures := matcher.FindStringSubmatch(option); captures != nil { if captures[2] == "=" { expanded = captures[3] } else { if index == len(os.Args)-1 || strings.HasPrefix(os.Args[index+1], "-") { expanded = "true" if captures[1] != "" { expanded = "false" } } else { expanded = os.Args[index+1] } } break } } } case "-": if index := strings.Index(os.Args[0], "-"); index >= 0 { expanded = strings.ToLower(os.Args[0][index+1:]) } case "+": if arguments[0][0:1] != "/" { arguments[0] = fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", base, arguments[0]) } if elements, err := filepath.Glob(arguments[0]); err == nil { for _, element := range elements { element = path.Base(element) expanded += fmt.Sprintf("%s ", strings.TrimSuffix(element, filepath.Ext(element))) } } expanded = strings.TrimSpace(expanded) } content = fmt.Sprintf("%s%s%s", content[0:indexes[0]], expanded, content[indexes[1]:len(content)]) } var config interface{} if err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(content), &config); err != nil { if err := json.Unmarshal([]byte("{"+content+"}"), &config); err != nil { if syntax, ok := err.(*json.SyntaxError); ok && syntax.Offset < int64(len(content)) { if start := strings.LastIndex(content[:syntax.Offset], "\n") + 1; start >= 0 { line := strings.Count(content[:start], "\n") + 1 this.Unlock() return fmt.Errorf("uconfig: %s at line %d near %s", syntax, line, content[start:syntax.Offset]) } } this.Unlock() return err } } this.config = config this.hash = fmt.Sprintf("%x", sha1.Sum([]byte(content))) this.cache = map[string]interface{}{} reduce(this.config) this.Unlock() return nil } func (this *UConfig) Loaded() bool { this.RLock() defer this.RUnlock() return !(this.config == nil) } func (this *UConfig) Hash() string { this.RLock() defer this.RUnlock() return this.hash } func (this *UConfig) String() string { if config, err := json.MarshalIndent(this.config, " ", " "); this.config != nil && err == nil { return string(config) } return "{}" } func (this *UConfig) GetPaths(path string) []string { var ( current interface{} = this.config paths []string = []string{} ) this.RLock() prefix := "" if current == nil || path == "" { this.RUnlock() return paths } this.cacheLock.RLock() if this.cache[path] != nil { if paths, ok := this.cache[path].([]string); ok { this.cacheLock.RUnlock() this.RUnlock() return paths } } this.cacheLock.RUnlock() if path != "" { prefix = this.separator for _, part := range strings.Split(path, this.separator) { kind := reflect.TypeOf(current).Kind() index, err := strconv.Atoi(part) if (kind == reflect.Slice && (err != nil || index < 0 || index >= len(current.([]interface{})))) || (kind != reflect.Slice && kind != reflect.Map) { this.cacheLock.Lock() this.cache[path] = paths this.cacheLock.Unlock() this.RUnlock() return paths } if kind == reflect.Slice { current = current.([]interface{})[index] } else { if current = current.(map[string]interface{})[strings.TrimSpace(part)]; current == nil { this.cacheLock.Lock() this.cache[path] = paths this.cacheLock.Unlock() this.RUnlock() return paths } } } } switch reflect.TypeOf(current).Kind() { case reflect.Slice: for index := 0; index < len(current.([]interface{})); index++ { paths = append(paths, fmt.Sprintf("%s%s%d", path, prefix, index)) } case reflect.Map: for key, _ := range current.(map[string]interface{}) { paths = append(paths, fmt.Sprintf("%s%s%s", path, prefix, key)) } } this.cacheLock.Lock() this.cache[path] = paths this.cacheLock.Unlock() this.RUnlock() return paths } func (this *UConfig) value(path string) (string, error) { var current interface{} = this.config this.RLock() if current == nil || path == "" { this.RUnlock() return "", errors.New(`uconfig: invalid parameter`) } this.cacheLock.RLock() if this.cache[path] != nil { if current, ok := this.cache[path].(bool); ok && !current { this.cacheLock.RUnlock() this.RUnlock() return "", errors.New(`uconfig: invalid path`) } if current, ok := this.cache[path].(string); ok { this.cacheLock.RUnlock() this.RUnlock() return current, nil } } this.cacheLock.RUnlock() for _, part := range strings.Split(path, this.separator) { kind := reflect.TypeOf(current).Kind() index, err := strconv.Atoi(part) if (kind == reflect.Slice && (err != nil || index < 0 || index >= len(current.([]interface{})))) || (kind != reflect.Slice && kind != reflect.Map) { this.cacheLock.Lock() this.cache[path] = false this.cacheLock.Unlock() this.RUnlock() return "", errors.New(`uconfig: invalid path`) } if kind == reflect.Slice { current = current.([]interface{})[index] } else { if current = current.(map[string]interface{})[strings.TrimSpace(part)]; current == nil { this.cacheLock.Lock() this.cache[path] = false this.cacheLock.Unlock() this.RUnlock() return "", errors.New(`uconfig: invalid path`) } } } if reflect.TypeOf(current).Kind() == reflect.String { this.cacheLock.Lock() this.cache[path] = current.(string) this.cacheLock.Unlock() this.RUnlock() return current.(string), nil } this.cacheLock.Lock() this.cache[path] = false this.cacheLock.Unlock() this.RUnlock() return "", errors.New(`uconfig: invalid path`) } func (this *UConfig) GetBoolean(path string, fallback bool) bool { value, err := this.value(path) if err != nil { return fallback } if value = strings.ToLower(strings.TrimSpace(value)); value == "1" || value == "on" || value == "yes" || value == "true" { return true } return false } func (this *UConfig) GetString(path string, fallback string) string { return this.GetStringMatch(path, fallback, "") } func (this *UConfig) GetStringMatch(path string, fallback, match string) string { return this.GetStringMatchCaptures(path, fallback, match)[0] } func (this *UConfig) GetStringMatchCaptures(path string, fallback, match string) []string { value, err := this.value(path) if err != nil { return []string{fallback} } if match != "" { if matcher := rcache.Get(match); matcher != nil { if matches := matcher.FindStringSubmatch(value); matches != nil { return matches } else { return []string{fallback} } } else { return []string{fallback} } } return []string{value} } func (this *UConfig) GetInteger(path string, fallback int64) int64 { return this.GetIntegerBounds(path, fallback, math.MinInt64, math.MaxInt64) } func (this *UConfig) GetIntegerBounds(path string, fallback, min, max int64) int64 { value, err := this.value(path) if err != nil { return fallback } nvalue, err := strconv.ParseInt(strings.TrimSpace(value), 10, 64) if err != nil { return fallback } if nvalue < min { nvalue = min } if nvalue > max { nvalue = max } return nvalue } func (this *UConfig) GetFloat(path string, fallback float64) float64 { return this.GetFloatBounds(path, fallback, -math.MaxFloat64, math.MaxFloat64) } func (this *UConfig) GetFloatBounds(path string, fallback, min, max float64) float64 { value, err := this.value(path) if err != nil { return fallback } nvalue, err := strconv.ParseFloat(strings.TrimSpace(value), 64) if err != nil { return fallback } return math.Max(math.Min(nvalue, max), min) } func (this *UConfig) GetSize(path string, fallback int64) int64 { return this.GetSizeBounds(path, fallback, math.MinInt64, math.MaxInt64) } func (this *UConfig) GetSizeBounds(path string, fallback, min, max int64) int64 { value, err := this.value(path) if err != nil { return fallback } nvalue := int64(0) if matches := sizer.FindStringSubmatch(strings.TrimSpace(strings.ToUpper(value))); matches != nil { fvalue, err := strconv.ParseFloat(matches[1], 64) if err != nil { return fallback } scale := float64(1000) if matches[3] == "B" { scale = float64(1024) } nvalue = int64(fvalue * math.Pow(scale, float64(strings.Index("_KMGTP", matches[2])))) } else { return fallback } if nvalue < min { nvalue = min } if nvalue > max { nvalue = max } return nvalue } func (this *UConfig) GetDuration(path string, fallback float64) float64 { return this.GetDurationBounds(path, fallback, -math.MaxFloat64, math.MaxFloat64) } func (this *UConfig) GetDurationBounds(path string, fallback, min, max float64) float64 { value, err := this.value(path) if err != nil { return fallback } nvalue := float64(0.0) if matches := duration1.FindAllStringSubmatch(strings.TrimSpace(strings.ToUpper(value)), -1); matches != nil { for index := 0; index < len(matches); index++ { if uvalue, err := strconv.ParseFloat(matches[index][1], 64); err == nil { switch matches[index][2] { case "Y": nvalue += uvalue * 86400 * 365.256 case "MO": nvalue += uvalue * 86400 * 365.256 / 12 case "D": nvalue += uvalue * 86400 case "H": nvalue += uvalue * 3600 case "MN": nvalue += uvalue * 60 case "S": nvalue += uvalue case "": nvalue += uvalue case "MS": nvalue += uvalue / 1000 case "US": nvalue += uvalue / 1000000 } } } } if matches := duration2.FindStringSubmatch(strings.TrimSpace(value)); matches != nil { hours, _ := strconv.ParseFloat(matches[1], 64) minutes, _ := strconv.ParseFloat(matches[2], 64) seconds, _ := strconv.ParseFloat(matches[3], 64) milliseconds, _ := strconv.ParseFloat(matches[4], 64) nvalue = (hours * 3600) + (math.Min(minutes, 59) * 60) + math.Min(seconds, 59) + (milliseconds / 1000) } return math.Max(math.Min(nvalue, max), min) } func Duration(input float64) time.Duration { return time.Duration(input * float64(time.Second)) } func Args() (args []string) { for index := 1; index < len(os.Args); index++ { option := os.Args[index] if args == nil { if option[0] == '-' { if option != "-" && option != "--" && strings.Index(option, "=") < 0 && index < len(os.Args)-1 && os.Args[index+1][0] != '-' { index++ } } else { args = []string{} } } if args != nil { args = append(args, option) } else if option == "--" { args = []string{} } } return }